Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Unusual Art (Assignment #2)

I had to scour art websites to find a contemporary artwork that I “find unusual, take issue with or don’t quite understand” as our second assignment required. Finally I resorted to a Google search of “unusual contemporary art”…my last resort! I stumbled across an article titled “Recycled Cigarette Art by Tom Deininger” on

I was drawn in by pictures of a rabbit and I didn’t really understand where the cigarettes were in the artwork. I scrolled down the page and looked at another artwork made entirely of cigarette butts in the image of a large seashell. I returned to the top to actually read the article and was blown away!

Deininger created the unidentified rabbit piece using cigarette butts he found in beach parking lots. To make the rabbit appear furry he cut up the filters, which gave the rabbit a realistic looking fur coat. The shell piece was also really cool because the shape was really precise. Deininger also used different colored cigarette butts which gives the shell extra detail and shape. It reminded me of being at the beach this summer.

I visited the artist’s webpage at to find out more about him. His bio page was bland and short, but his artwork said a lot about him. I really liked another piece he created titled “Stroking Monet”. This piece was a recreation of “Japanese foot-bridge over the water-lily pond in Giverny” by Claude Monet. Deininger used “found objects” and from afar the picture looks like a loose painted interpretation rather than a collection of precisely arranged knick-knacks and random objects.

I think that the rabbit and the shell while visually appealing are a little stomach turning for me. I am glad I picked those as my piece because I found Deininger’s other artwork really interesting up close and beautiful from afar!

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