Thursday, October 22, 2009

Performing Art Can Be Fun Tooo!

"They're Not Pigs"

By: Allison Rae Pillans

After recent events in my life I came to realize that men aren’t pigs… they are predators. This is the theme of my performance art piece. I have decided to re-create a recent Trojan condom commercial that is on television; the commercial shows a bar full of pigs and one beautiful lady, when the pig gets a condom he turns into a man and scores the pretty lady. This commercial was funny to me when I first saw it, but recently I had an epiphany. Men aren’t pigs, they are predators on the prowl; deceptive and inviting in their ways, working hard to score a “kill”.
To make the performance my own, I have decided to dress up the “men” as wolves in “sheep’s clothing”. This is to depict them as dangerous and predators but also that men are tricksters. I describe men as “tricksters” because they seem willing and eager to deceive girls into being intimate with them.
I would perform this piece in an actual bar. This bar would be lit dimly but not dark. The piece would be most effective if there were no customers in the bar just the performers. Ideally every seat in the bar would have a wolf sitting on it, for effect. To make the piece more relatable to the audience who viewed the commercial I would love to use the actual music from the commercial. I would use one of my friends to depict the beautiful woman because I want to film this piece so it can be sent out over social media networking sites such as to get extra exposure and feedback from the public at large as well.
Ideally the performance piece will begin with the wolves dressed as sheep filing into the bar area with the music playing. Then the beautiful woman will enter the bar and go get a drink, while all the “sheep” stare at her with gaping mouths (some of them can whisper to each other to indicate they are talking about the woman). Next one sheep will go up to the woman who will entertain his conversion for a moment before sending him on his way. This sheep will then go to the condom machine in the bar and get a condom before returning to the woman (just as the commercial shows except he does not change from a sheep to a wolf before seeing the woman). The woman and the sheep leave the bar together and as they exit the sheep looks back across the bar over his shoulder and takes off the hood of his costume, exposing himself as a wolf to the other men but not to the woman. <-- Link to Trojan Commercial on